The production "A Walk Through Ancient Olympia", which is shown at the "Tholos" the new hemispherical "Theater" of Virtual Reality at the "Hellenic Cosmos", offers a complete tour of the sacred site of ancient Olympia in the 2nd century BC.

Monuments and sacred buildings come to life, giving visitors the opportunity to become "participants" in the events and rituals of the Olympic Games and to learn about the history of the city.

During the tour of Ancient Olympia, you will be able to visit the temple of Zeus, an example of a Doric peripteral temple with admirable sculptural decoration, the Heraion, the oldest monumental building of the sanctuary, dedicated to the goddess Hera, the Gymnasium, which was used for the training of javelin throwers, discus throwers and runners, the Palaestra, where wrestlers, jumpers and boxers trained, the Leonidaion, the accommodation area for official visitors, the Bouleuterion, where athletes, relatives and judges took an oath to abide by the rules of the Games, the Stadium, where most events took place, the Treasuries of various cities, where precious offerings were kept, and the Philippeion, dedicated by Philip II, the king of Macedonia, after his victory at the Battle of Chaeronea in 338 BC.