Interactive Tour of the Acropolis of Athens (circa 5th century B.C.)

Enter the "THOLOS" and travel to Athens of the 5th century BC, where you will see all the buildings that were on the "Sacred Rock" reconstructed before your eyes in every detail and to their actual scale and dimensions.

Using new technologies, the viewer will have the opportunity to admire the most complex buildings of the Acropolis from an architectural perspective, such as the Parthenon, the Erechtheion, the Temple of Athena Nike, the Propylaea, as well as the statues that adorned them in 3D and in their natural colors, as they were when they were created.

At the same time, temples and statues that have not survived to this day are presented, such as the Arrhephorion, the Sanctuary of Zeus Polieus, the Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia, the Chalkotheke, the sculptural decoration of the Parthenon with the chryselephantine statue of the goddess Athena, etc.

Teams of specialists, painters, 3D modelers, programmers, and archaeologists developed the three-dimensional models of each building. Subsequently, the scientists of the Foundation of the Hellenic World adapted the projection for the needs of the "THOLOS" and with the help of Professor of Classical Archaeology Panos Valavanis, offer the visitors of the "Hellenic Cosmos" another thrilling experience, where the viewer tours among the magnificent temples, learning about the history of the Sacred Rock, thanks to the fascinating live tour conducted by the Museum Educators of the Foundation of the Hellenic World.

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